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control_print_plotmtv index switch

Print the mesh and the unknowns in a file which can be plotted with plotmtv if switch is set to -yes. By example, the first results are printed in the file plotmtv1.dat, the second results are printed in the file plotmtv2.dat, etc. Also results of node_dof_calcul records (if present) will be printed.

Only the elements -bar2, -bar3, -bar4, -bar5, -tria3, -quad4, -quad9, -tet4 and -hex8 are available.

As a special option, you can specify the number of an eigen mode instead of -yes after materi_velocity has been initialized and an eigenvalue analysis has been performed by control_eigen. Then the eigenmode for the velocity is added to the nodal coordinates. In this way you can view the mode.

tochnog 2001-09-02