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A professional tochnog version is distributed by FEAT. Please visit http://www.feat.nl.

Presently the Matsuoka-Nakai plasticity model is being implemented by Ivo Herle of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and by Dennis Roddeman of FEAT. This plasticity model has some better experimental and numerical properties than the classical mohr-coulomb yield surface. To be expected near the end of 2000.

The department of foundation engineering and tunneling of Ed. Zueblin A.G., Germany, sponsors the integration of hypoplasticity in Tochnog. A state-of-the-art version (automatic time-substepping, integranular strains, pressure dependent porosity, cohesion, etc.) will become available later this year. This extends the library of granular material models already present (like the classical elasto-plastic models such as Mohr-Coulomb, Di-Prisco, etc.).

Now results files for IBM's open sourced data explorer can be generated. Look in http://www.opendx.org for the data explorer visualisation program. Presently generic visualisation of data explorer can be used for Tochnog results. To be expected are Tochnog specific visualisation networks in data explorer.

The Tochnog homepage has moved to http://tochnog.sourceforge.net. This is the place to find many of the open source developments. Please update your link and report any problems.

The SuperLU library can be used for equations solving. The sequential library (SuperLU), the multithreaded library (SuperLU_MT), and the distributed library (SuperLU_DIST) all have become available. This supplies a set of fast direct equation solvers (LU-decomposition based) for single processor systems, multiprocessor systems and clusters of workstations. Special thanks to osman@fuse.net.

The PETSc libary is used as parallel iterative equations solver on distributed memory architectures. Message parsing is performed with the MPI standard. This enables running large calculations on shared memory systems and clusters of workstations. Special thanks to osman@fuse.net.

Tochnog now is supported by the Silicon Polder Fund. This Fund, and partners like PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Kennedy Van der Laan, etc., has decided to help further Tochnog development. Both financing and free services are invested by the SPF and partners.

Tochnog has been awarded a 'top' position at the University of Twente. Combined with such position the University provides financing and facilities. This puts further development of Tochnog on a more solid base.

The Politecnico di Milano and the University of Twente make nonlocal viscoplasticity calculations available. A Gauss weighting function is used to determine a nonlocal yield rule from the local yield rule. This nonlocal yield function is used in the viscoplastic law. This prevents unlimited localization and so mesh dependency in softening calculations. See options_nonlocal.

The Politecnico di Milano and the University of Twente make an exponential visco-plastic model for soil analysis available.

The Czech Academy of Sciences and the Politecnico di Milano make di Prisco and Camclay plasticity available. The di Prisco model typically is used for soils. The CamClay model typically is used for clays. Also the Lade nonlinear elastic model for granular materials is implemented. Contact herle@linux.itam.cas.cz or imposima@stru.polimi.it.

The University of Twente offers further facilities for Tochnog development. The Applied mechanical engineering and polymers section offers hardware facilities and developing time for Tochnog. Tochnog will be applied in research projects and practical computations. External parties (universities, research laboratories, etc.) can propose joint research projects. Contact dennis.roddeman@feat.nl or j.huetink@wb.utwente.nl.