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contact_geometry index geometry_entity_item geometry_entity_index

This record specifies a contact geometry. Contacting nodes are forced to stay at the outward normal side of the contact geometry.

The allowed geometries and their material outward normals are listed below

This normal can be switched sign by setting the contact_geometry_switch with the same index to -yes.

In stead of geometries, also contact with all elements will be checked. Only contact with the elements -bar2, -tria3, -quad4, -tet4 and -hex8 can be detected. The outer boundary of the elements should be specified by node_boundary records. Often it is sufficient to apply node_boundary records on the body with the coarsest mesh; if the meshes of the contacting bodies are of the same size however, you should specify node_boundary records for both contacting bodies.

The time steps should be such small, that contacter nodes penetrate the other elements only in small steps.

If a contact_geometry is used, then the contacter node should also be within the tolerance of the geometrical entity to be noticed!

If contact is detected, normal contact forces of size contact_penalty_velocity $*$ penetration are generated between the contacting node and the other element. Moreover, also a frictional force of size friction $*$ normal force is generated (see contact_friction).

You need more iterations, see control_timestep_iterations, then normal; say 5 or more.

As an alternative to the contact algorithm, see slide_geometry.

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tochnog 2001-09-02