Next: contact_geometry_switch index switch
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Previous: contact_friction friction
This record specifies a contact geometry.
Contacting nodes are forced to stay at the outward normal side
of the contact geometry.
The allowed geometries and their material outward normals are listed below
- If a geometry_point is used in 1D, the normal is in
positive x-direction.
- If a geometry_line is used in 2D, the normal is the outer
product of 3-direction and the line direction (from point 0 to point 1).
- If a geometry_circle is used in 2D, the normal is the outward
direction at the circle.
- If a geometry_ellipse is used in 2D, the normal is the outward
direction at the ellipse.
- If a geometry_sphere is used in 3D, the normal is the outward
direction at the sphere.
- If a geometry_polynomial is used in 2D, the normal is in positive
- If a geometry_polynomial is used in 3D, the normal is in positive
- If a geometry_triangle is used in 3D, the normal is in direction
of the outer product v01
v02 where v01 is the vector from node
0 to node 1 and v02 is the vector from node 0 to node 2.
- If a geometry_quadrilateral is used in 3D, the normal is in direction
of the outer product v01
v02 where v1 is the vector from node
0 to node 1 and v02 is the vector from node 0 to node 2.
Only non-distorted quadrilaterals should be used.
This normal can be switched sign by setting
the contact_geometry_switch with the same index to -yes.
In stead of geometries, also contact
with all elements will be checked.
Only contact with the elements -bar2, -tria3,
-quad4, -tet4 and -hex8 can be detected.
The outer boundary of the elements should be specified
by node_boundary records.
Often it is sufficient to apply node_boundary records
on the body with the coarsest mesh; if the meshes
of the contacting bodies are of the same size however,
you should specify node_boundary records for both
contacting bodies.
The time steps should be such small, that contacter nodes
penetrate the other elements only in small steps.
If a contact_geometry is used, then
the contacter node should also be within the tolerance of
the geometrical entity to be noticed!
If contact is detected, normal contact forces of
size contact_penalty_velocity
penetration are
generated between the contacting node and the
other element. Moreover, also a frictional force of size
normal force is generated
(see contact_friction).
You need more iterations, see control_timestep_iterations,
then normal; say 5 or more.
As an alternative to the contact algorithm, see slide_geometry.
Next: contact_geometry_switch index switch
Up: Input file, data part
Previous: contact_friction friction