Add a random number, based on a -uniform or -normal distribution, to the data_item_name records. This is done for the data_item_number value in those records (0 for the first value, 1 for the second value, etc.). The distribution_type should be set to -uniform or -normal. Use the control_distribute_values record to set the range of the distribution (for -uniform) or the variance of the distribution (for -normal).
If you specify a group item for data_item_name, by example group_materi_elasti_young or so, then not the group item record self will be changed, but the item will be changed for the elements which use this record; in this way you can give a random distribution to element data like stiffness, plastic properties, etc.
Several sets of distribution_type data_item_name data_item_number can be specified. For each set, you need to specify a corresponding value in control_distribute_values.
When a control_distribute record is encountered, all previous control_distribute records are disregarded.
In the first example, an uniform distribution with range 1.2 is added to the nodal temperatures:
control_distribute 10 -uniform -node_dof -temp
control_distribute_values 10 1.2
In the second example, an normal distribution with variance 1.e-3 is added to the y coordinate of the nodes:
control_distribute 10 -normal -node 1
control_distribute_values 10 1.e-3
In the third example, an normal distribution with variance 1. is added to the young's modulus:
control_distribute 10 -normal -group_materi_elasti_young 0
control_distribute_values 10 1.