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control_mesh_remesh_factor index geometry_factor residue_factor

With this record you can set the relative usage of geometry remeshing and residue remeshing. As the typical remeshing step (i.e. the distance that a node is relocated) is about 100 times as large in geometry remeshing than in residue remeshing, you should use, say, geometry_factor is 0.01 and residue_factor 1.0 for both effects to be of about equal size. Some examples are given below.

(only geometric remeshing)
control_mesh_remesh index ...

(only geometric remeshing)
control_mesh_remesh index ...
control_mesh_remesh_factor index 1. 0.

(only residue remeshing)
control_mesh_remesh index ...
control_mesh_remesh_factor index 0. 1.

(both geometric remeshing and residue remeshing)
control_mesh_remesh index ...
control_mesh_remesh_factor index 0.05 0.5

The residue_factor can only be larger that 0 if residue is specified in the initialization part.

If this control_mesh_remesh_factor record is not specified, then geometry_factor is 1 and residue_factor is 0.

Practical tips:

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tochnog 2001-09-02