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control_print_gmv index switch

Print the mesh and the unknowns in a file which can be plotted with the General Mesh Viewer if switch is set to -yes. The files are numbered sequentially. By example, the first results are printed in the file gmv001.inp, the second results are printed in the file gmv002.inp, etc. Also results of node_dof_calcul records (if present) will be printed.

Always a gmv.inp file will be generated at the end of the calculation.

Only the elements -tria3, -quad4, -quad9, -tet4, -hex8 and -hex27 are available. The elements -quad9 and -hex27 will be mapped to -quad4 and -hex8 elements to allow for gmv plotting.

TOCHNOG will temporarily renumber elements and nodes when is writes the GMV data. So the numbering in the GMV plots will not correspond with the numbering as it was in the actual calculation.

If present, TOCHNOG element groups will be attributed to GMV material numbers.

If present, TOCHNOG post_point records will be attributed to GMV tracers.

As a special option, you can specify the number of an eigen mode instead of -yes after materi_velocity has been initialized and an eigenvalue analysis has been performed by control_eigen. Then the eigenmode for the velocity is added to the nodal coordinates. In this way you can view the mode.

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tochnog 2001-09-02