Stiffnesses for contact springs.
The force in normal direction of the contact spring is
determined from
is the normal
displacement difference of the two nodes (that is, the displacement of the second node
in normal direction minus the displacement of the first node in normal direction).
The first tangential force
of the contact spring is
determined from
is the tangential
displacement difference of the two nodes in the first
tangential direction; the same is done for the second tangential force.
The total tangential force
friction coefficient;
then frictional slip occurs and the total tangential force is set
To model continuing stick between two bodies just put the
friction coefficient
very high.
In 1D the parameters and
will not be used (but should be specified as dummies
The index specifies the element_group, see element_group.
See also group_contactspring_friction and group_contactspring_friction_automatic.