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group_integration_points index type

Here type sets the number of integration points in an element. It should be set to -normal, -minimal or to -maximal.

For -tria3 elements and -tet4 elements, the integration point will be located in the middle with -minimal integration, or the integration points are located in the nodes with -maximal integration.

For -tria6 elements and -tet10 elements, the integration point will be located in the in the nodes, irrespective of this group_integration_points record.

For other elements, if -minimal is used then the number of integration points in a direction is set equal to the number of nodes in the direction minus 1, and gauss integration is used. If for the other elements -maximal is used then the number of integration points in a direction is set equal to the number of nodes in the direction, and lobatto integration is used.

Default -minimal is used for -bar2, -tria3 and -tet4 elements; it is default -maximal otherwise.

If type is set to -normal, the default integration will be used.

For third or higher order elements (-bar4, -quad16, etc.) you always need to use -minimal if materi_velocity is initialized.

The index specifies the element_group, see element_group.

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tochnog 2001-09-02