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This example demonstrates the effect of the spatial stabilization algorithm
in 2D.
A convection and diffusion of heat equation is analyzed on
a 1 by 1 square.
The two-dimensional mesh consists of distorted linear quadrilaterals
The convection velocity
and the conductivity
The boundary conditions for temperature are chosen such that the exact
solution for a boundary layer in
-direction holds:
where we choose
This is a severe test for the spatial stabilization algorithm.
Many algorithms exist which solve this example exactly when
using a one-dimensional domain, say with
-axis only, but few exist
which do not show wiggles for irregular 2D grids.
The node_dof records are initialized
with temperature 1 as a first estimate for the solution field.
The we check the results at
The exact solution is 1.
The numerical solution with the 4-noded elements is 0.95.
Splitting the elements in triangles
(see control_mesh_split) would have given the solution 1.001.
Triangles seem to behave better than distorted quads (in this example anyway).
Both solutions are quite good however.
Next: Example 5: Inverse modeling
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