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dof_label unknown_0 unknown_1 ...

This record will be filled with labels of the unknowns in the correct order. This information is required for understanding records like node_dof etc. The sequential order for the primary unknowns will match the order in which they are specified in the initialization part.

The total list of possible unknown labels is: -dam damage, -dens density, -ener material strain energy, -epexx $xx$-strain elastic, -epexy, -epexz, -epeyy, -epeyz, -epezz, -eppxx $xx$-strain plastic, -eppxy, -eppxz, -eppyy, -eppyz, -eppzz, -eptxx $xx$-strain total, -eptxy, -eptxz, -eptyy, -eptyz, -eptzz, -eppsize size of plastic strains, -gvelx ground water velocity in $x$-direction, -gvely, -gvelz. -hisv0, -hisv1, ..., material history variables, -kap plastic isotropic hardening parameter kappa, -pres hydraulic pressure head, -res residue unknown, -rhoxx $xx$ plastic kinematic hardening, -rhoxy, -rhoxz, -rhoyy, -rhoyz, -rhozz, -scal scalar, -temp temperature, -f plasticity yield rule, -fn nonlocal plasticity yield rule, -fscal time derivative of scalar, -sigxx $xx$-stress, -sigxy, -sigxz, -sigyy, -sigyz, -sigzz, -1msigxx $xx$-stress in first maxwell chain, -1msigxy, -1msigxz, -1msigyy, -1msigyz, -1msigzz, -velx velocity in $x$-direction, -vely, -velz, -velix integrated velocity in $x$-direction, -veliy, -veliz, -void material void fraction. -work material second order work. Furthermore, -xvelx denotes the spatial $x$-derivative of -velx in $x$-direction, etc.. Finally, -tvelx denotes the first time derivative of -velx, etc.. The time derivative and the space derivatives are only calculated if derivatives is included in the initialization part.

By example, the following might be seen after a print of the database

echo -yes
number_of_space_dimensions 2
dof_label -temp -xtemp -ytemp -ttemp

Or, by example, the following might be seen after a print of the database

echo -yes
number_of_space_dimensions 2
dof_label -temp

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tochnog 2001-09-02