In hypoplasticity a direct relation is used between strain rates and stress rates. Specifically:
Here the part with gives a linear relation between strain rates and
stress rates and the part with
gives a nonlinear relation.
The constitutive tensors
are functions of the effective
stress tensor
and void ratio
The effective stress tensor
follows from the total stress tensor
minus any pore pressures (see groundflow).
Rigid body rotations (objectivity) are treated elsewhere (see the section on memory).
Basic law, Wolffersdorff
The law proposed by WOLFFERSDORFF [11] is used.
The scalar factors
take into account the influence of mean pressure and
Three characteristic void ratios - (during isotropic compression at the
minimum density),
(critical void ratio) and
(maximum density) -
decrease with mean stress:
The range of admissible void ratios is limited by and
The model parameters can be found in Tab. 1.
They correspond to Hochstetten sand from the vicinity of Karlsruhe, Germany
The basic law parameters should be specified in group_materi_plasti_hypo_wolffersdorff.
A simplistic appraoch to include cohesion is used here.
Instead of feeding the real effective stress state into the hypoplastic
law, an alternative effective stress state
is used.
Cohesion is modelled by subtracting in each of the normal stress
components a value
representing cohesion:
The shear stresses are not altered:
, etc.
The cohesion value should be specified in group_materi_plasti_hypo_cohesion.
Intergranular strains
In order to take into account the recent deformation history, an additional
tensorial state variable 1 is introduced.
Denoting the normalized magnitude of
where is the objective rate of intergranular strain.
Rigid body rotations are treated elsewhere (see the section on memory).
From the evolution equation (2.2.4) it follows that
must remain
between 0 and 1.
The general stress-strain relation is now written as
The fourth order tensor
represents the incremental stiffness and is calculated from the
hypoplastic tensors
which may be modified by scalar multipliers
depending on
and on the product
is an additional material parameter.
An example intergranular parameters can be found in Tab. 2.
The intergranular parameters should be specified in group_materi_plasti_hypo_intergranularstrain. Also you need to include materi_strain_intergranular in the initialisation part.
Pressure dependent initial void ratio
You can correct the initial void ratio , as specified in the initial value
for the history variable in the node_dof records, for the initial pressure
to obtain a corrected initial void ratio
See the basic law description for the parameters and
denotes the effective stress tensor (total stresses minus any
groundflow pressure).
This pressure dependent initial void ratio correction can be activated
by group_materi_plasti_hypo_pressuredependentvoidratio.
After the initial void ratio has been established, the development of the void
ratio is governed by volumetric compression or extension of the granular